
CBS Students Logo

Cross Platform Serverless App Development for Social Media

Developed significant features across the entire stack, led sprint plannings, review meeting and daily standups and performed several maintenance updates. Read more here.

  • React Native (Expo) for mobile app
  • React for web platform
  • TypeScript
  • Firebase/Firestore
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Business Critical Backend Solutions

Developed important backend features connecting ecommerce platforms to warehouses, reporting tax information, structuring data warehouse solutions and more. Was also responsible for cloud infrastructure and DevOps setup.

  • Node.js (NestJS)
  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeScript
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Terraform
  • Github Actions
Mikkeller Logo

Company-wide Continuous Integration/Delivery Framework

Researched, implemented and documented a new framework for continuous integration and delivery, allowing developers to push code to production often, reliably and with a certancy that all code on production has been greenlit by automated testing. A special feature of this framework is that it is replicable onto new projects using Terraform to manage cloud resources.

  • Docker
  • Github Actions
  • Jest
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Terraform